It is a method of treating chronic wounds on extremities. chronic rashes, diabetic foot ulcers, limb ischemia, toe fungus, bacterial infections, burns, mrsa, bug bites, radiation dermatis, post-surgery wounds and venous insufficiency.
It is a procedure in which a plastic bag is wrapped around the extremity and then the bag is filled with ozone to optimize healing and accelerate wound closure.
It is a colorless gas that is made of three atoms of oxygen.
Ozone improves the immune system to lessen the inflammation. Ozone has antimicrobial, antiviral and anti-fungal yeast properties as well.
It may kill infections, accelerate tissue regeneration and speeds up tissue oxygenation.
30 minutes to an hour.
Moisture allows a better connection between the bag and the skin.
You will arrive and be guided to the ozone treatment room. You will likely lay down on a comfortable bed or recliner. Pillows will be provided. The nurse will review the procedure with you and ask you to sign a consent.
It will be determined between you and your physician, but it can vary between daily to once a week.
It varies, but we recommend to do for at least 3 months because optimal results occur with consistency of treatments.
Yes, some patients receive optimal results if it is done twice a day.
Major Autohemotherapy (MAH) is a procedure in which we draw out a specified amount of blood and mix it with ozone and then we reintroduce it back via IV tubing into the patient’s circulation, but ozone limb bagging is where we wrap a bag around the affected extremity and infuse ozone into the enclosed area to allow for healing.
Some patients may experience vasovagal attack with dizziness, sweating, headache and or abdominal pain, but this is very rare.
There are other options such as ozone cupping, intravenous Major Autohemotherapy, minor autohemotherapy, acupuncture, chiropractic, and supplements that can be ordered by your physician.
Yes, you may apply our ozone salve consisting of ozone and olive oil to the affected area three times a day if tolerated.
It may happen in rare instances.
I have asthma, and ozone may trigger my asthma. Can I still receive ozone limb bagging?
Yes, but if you have any lung disorder such as asthma, emphysema (COPD) or are sensitive to ozone,
please let your physician and or nurse know so that appropriate precautions such as a mask can be offered
to you.
The nurse team does everything in their skill set to create a full seal of the limb bag such that ozone is not leaked from the limb bag. If you smell ozone, notify your nurse so that reevaluation of the set up can be completed by the nurse.
If you have a condition called Glucose 6 phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency, it does not prohibit you from getting treatment, but you need to be monitored closely.
Other patients who are sensitive to ozone with onset of anaphylaxis should be cautioned on use, but again, these two risk factors are very unlikely to occur.
You may, but we advise that you do it at Gerold Medical Wellness because your progress can be monitored by our team.
Yes, a thorough analysis of 9 studies consisting of 453 patients, revealed a significant improvement in wound closure with ozone therapy versus control. (Ozone therapy for treatment of chronic wounds, Erin Fitzpatrick)
Another study confirms its effectiveness: Local treatment of chronic venous ulcers with ozone therapy, January 2002, R. Colombo.
The services and treatments listed above are not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) for the treatment of any particular condition. The treatment and therapy listed above have not been evaluated by the FDA. We do not claim these treatments are safe and effective for any listed or unlisted condition, intended or implied.
We do not claim that the services or treatment listed above treat any disease or health condition. We do not claim the services and treatment are comparable or superior to conventional medical treatments in curing, mitigating or treating any disease or health condition. At this point, they are unproven therapies.
There are no randomized, controlled human clinical research testing studies demonstrating the safety or effectiveness of the services or therapy listed above. We are aware of preliminary research and anecdotal reports that, in some or many cases, these treatments and therapies have helped some patients improve or alleviate their conditions. Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports of positive outcomes do not necessarily indicate treatment efficacy. Anecdotal experiences cannot be interpreted to substantiate any health-related claim. Research studies referred to on this website are limited and many conclude further evaluation is required from well-controlled clinical trials to verify possible benefits. The treatment and therapy listed above do not work for everyone. Results achieved by some patients may not be typical for other patients. There are no guarantees that this treatment will help you. All information listed above including reference to current research journals is for educational purposes only.