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      Jeannette, PA 15644

      Neural Prolotherapy

      What is Neural Prolotherapy?
      They are injections subcutaneously to stimulate regeneration and repair of injured tissues.

      How does Neural Prolotherapy work?
      It works by signaling the nerves below the site of the injection to regenerate and move fascia. It also helps constricted nerves be free, so pain is reduced.

      What is fascia?
      It is different layers of tissue that can tighten or constrict nerves and cause pain.

      How many treatments will I need?
      You will need 12 treatments, and then a reevaluation consultation on its progress will occur.

      How often will my treatments be?
      Weekly or every other week.

      What conditions can Neural Prolotherapy treat?
      Neuropathy, chronic pain syndromes of the cervical, thoracic, and lumbar, Morton’s neuroma, temporomandibular joint pain, headaches, tendonitis, trigeminal neuralgia, pain from osteoarthritis, sinusitis, complex regional, failed surgeries, or post-surgical pain syndrome, pain from degenerative disc disease, fibromyalgia, joint pain from knee, shoulder, elbow, wrist, hand, foot, hip, and ankle.

      Are there side effects of Neural Prolotherapy?
      The patient will experience burning at sites of injections, but that is temporary. It is rare, but patients may experience spasm and increased intense pain post-procedure.

      Can I get cellulitis from Neural Prolotherapy because of injections under the skin?
      We sterilize the site of treatment prior to injection subcutaneously.

      Will I still get benefit if I do not do the full twelve treatments?

      Will I need more than twelve Neural Prolotherapy sessions?
      The physician and you will discuss the progress after twelve treatments and will decide if more are necessary.

      How will I feel after my Neural Prolotherapy treatment?
      Most patients may notice a reduction of pain after treatment, but full response may not occur until after 12 or more treatments.

      Is an ultrasound needed to guide treatment?

      Will Neural Prolotherapy be enough to address my pain condition?
      Many modalities will be recommended to optimize healing and relief from pain. These include but are not limited to: acupuncture, chiropractic, cupping, Graston technique, laser acupuncture, Weber laser, nutrition plan, physical therapy exercises, intravenous nutrient therapy, and supplements.

      Is Neural Prolotherapy safe?
      Yes, but it is not FDA approved.

      The services and treatments listed above are not approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration (“FDA”) for the treatment of any particular condition. The treatment and therapy listed above have not been evaluated by the FDA. We do not claim these treatments are safe and effective for any listed or unlisted condition, intended or implied.

      We do not claim that the services or treatment listed above treat any disease or health condition. We do not claim the services and treatment are comparable or superior to conventional medical treatments in curing, mitigating, or treating any disease or health condition. At this point, they are unproven therapies.

      There are no randomized, controlled human clinical research testing studies demonstrating the safety or effectiveness of the services or therapy listed above. We are aware of preliminary research and anecdotal reports that, in some or many cases, these treatments and therapies have helped some patients improve or alleviate their conditions. Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports of positive outcomes do not necessarily indicate treatment efficacy. Anecdotal experiences cannot be interpreted to substantiate any health-related claim.

      Research studies referred to on this website are limited and many conclude further evaluation is required from well-controlled clinical trials to verify possible benefits. The treatment and therapy listed above do not work for everyone. Results achieved by some patients may not be typical for other patients. There are no guarantees that this treatment will help you. All information listed above, including reference to current research journals, is for educational purposes only.

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