Q. What is Medical Grade Ozone?
A. It is three oxygen molecules linked together. It is the addition of the third oxygen molecule that supercharges the oxygen.
Q. How does Medical Ozone work?
A. It primes your immune system to create a tolerance to irritants by releasing ozonides and peroxides. These ozonides may trigger growth factors along with activating cellular energy by upregulating oxygen uptake into your mitochondria. It may increase oxygen. It may also increase circulation and promote detoxification. It has anti-inflammatory effects, activates the immune system, promotes detoxification, and has anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, and pain-modulating effects.
Q. How is it performed?
A. A small amount of blood is withdrawn from your vein and is mixed with Medical Grade Ozone. Subsequently, the mixture is injected into your muscle to activate your immune system.
Q. Is it painful?
A. Topical or injectable anesthetics are used prior to injection to minimize discomfort. There is minimal temporary discomfort, primarily at the injection site.
Q. Is Medical Grade Ozone toxic for me?
A. No, it is oxygen that heals your body. Ozone is naturally found in your body. It is produced in white blood cells to help protect you. Once injected under your skin, it no longer is ozone. Rather, it converts to Ozonides, Peroxides, and secondary messengers that promote healing.
Q. How often should I be treated?
A. Treatment frequency is usually weekly for 12 weeks, then monthly if indicated by your MD. Your practitioner will recommend what is optimal for your healing.
Q. Can I get Major Autohemotherapy (MAT) if I am receiving Minor Autohemotherapy (MiAT)?
A. Yes, they are perfectly compatible.
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We do not claim that the services or treatment listed above treat any disease or health condition. We do not claim the services and treatment are comparable or superior to conventional medical treatments in curing, mitigating, or treating any disease or health condition. At this point, they are unproven therapies.
There are no randomized, controlled human clinical research testing studies demonstrating the safety or effectiveness of the services or therapy listed above. We are aware of preliminary research and anecdotal reports that, in some or many cases, these treatments and therapies have helped some patients improve or alleviate their conditions. Preliminary studies and anecdotal reports of positive outcomes do not necessarily indicate treatment efficacy. Anecdotal experiences cannot be interpreted to substantiate any health-related claim.
Research studies referred to on this website are limited and many conclude further evaluation is required from well-controlled clinical trials to verify possible benefits. The treatment and therapy listed above do not work for everyone. Results achieved by some patients may not be typical for other patients. There are no guarantees that this treatment will help you. All information listed above including reference to current research journals is for educational purposes only.